9 Months – 16 Months

Darling Dragonflies

The Dragonfly Room is arranged to support your baby’s development as he or she grows and changes. We provide a loving, safe place for your infant to explore and learn. Our room has a napping area, with cribs and cots, mats for crawling and climbing, tables for sensory play and open rug space for playing.

9 – 16 Months



12 children

Typicallly 1:3
(no less than 1:4)



9 – 16 Months

This is a busy time in your child’s development, with new milestones almost every day!  During their time in the Dragonfly Room, infants start solid foods, take their first steps, say their first words and begin to exert their independence. Teachers support children during these sensitive periods of development by creating a stable, predictable environment. 
We also recognize that each parent is their child’s expert and encourage parents to share with us concerns and desires for their child’s care. Through daily communication and conferences, the teachers are able to share observations about the child’s development and interactions. This helps parents and teachers come together for the well being of each child.


Dragonfly Room

In the Dragonfly Room, we nurture each child’s social, emotional, physical and cognitive development through routine care, such as diaper time and meal time, and also through planned curricular activities. Children explore fun activities through sensory play and are encouraged to touch, see, smell and hear everything they come into contact with!  We read books, sing songs, dance and blow bubbles. Children experience the great outdoors on our infant playground in the Spring, Summer and Fall. We also go on in-house field trips and walks in the center and the area around the building with the red buggy. The children love the variation in their day.  Above all, the infant staff all have a soft spot in their hearts for each child. These children are loved, nurtured and interacted with throughout the day.

“FCDC is a special space! We have sent all 3 of our children there and love the teachers and community!”
— Lisa C.